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GTA2 Removed Content

--- Map Objects ---

Map Objects are items that can be easily placed in a specific location within a level using the GTA2 Editor. For some reason, many of them were cut from the final game but still exist in the code and can be spawned using the trainer, custom mission scripts, or level editor. In the documentation of the .STY format (used for storing graphics in GTA2), these objects are referred to as map_obj's. Projectiles always fly above them leaving them untouched.

Bench spawned in game

BENCH spawned in the millitary base


Wooden bench. It has an animation for tipping over

BENCHBENCH animation
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansBlocks pedestrians
VehiclesRolls on the ground


Trash bin. Despite the presence of tipping animation in the .STY files, I was unable to achieve it in the game. The BIN_LID object suggests that, upon tipping, the lid was supposed to detach from it.

BINBIN animation
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / Moving
PedestriansBlocks pedestrians
VehiclesNeeds a lot of force to be moved, sometimes rotates but doesn't tip over


Lid from a trash bin. Similar to the bin itself, despite having animation for rolling on the ground, it moves in the game without utilizing the animation.

BIN_LIDBIN_LID animation
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / Moving
PedestriansCan be pushed around, but no animation is played
VehiclesCan be pushed only if it sits on top of a BIN, but no animation is played


Sound blaster. Until pushed, it plays a looping melody (SFX_GHETTO_BLASTER_LOOP).

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansRolls on the ground and the music stops
VehiclesRolls on the ground and the music stops


Stack of boxes.

BOXESBOXES when pushed
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansCan be stepped on. The sprite permanently changes to the crushed version
VehiclesCan run over. The sprite permanently changes to the crushed version


GTA1 looking bush.

BUSHBUSH animation
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansCan be pushed and rolls on the ground
VehiclesCan be pushed and rolls on the ground


Wooden crate. Can be destroyed.

CRATECRATE animation
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansCan be stepped on. The destroy animation is played
VehiclesCan run over. The destroy animation is played


Football. Can be kicked around.

FOOTYFOOTY animation
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / Moving
PedestriansCan be kicked and rolls on the ground
VehiclesCan be kicked and rolls on the ground


Wooden box.

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansCan be pushed and rolls on the ground
VehiclesCan be pushed and rolls on the ground


Fire hydrant lid.

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / Moving
PedestriansCan be pushed and rolls on the ground
VehiclesCan be pushed and rolls on the ground


Fire hydrant. The lid can't be detached by pushing it (maybe with mission scripts?)

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
PedestriansBlocks pedestrians
VehiclesBlocks vehices.


Fire hydrant without the lid.

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
PedestriansBlocks pedestrians
VehiclesBlocks vehices.


News dispenser.

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansCan be pushed and rolls on the ground
VehiclesCan be pushed and rolls on the ground


Oil drum. The oil doesn't spill out when pushed around.

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansCan be pushed and rolls on the ground
VehiclesCan be pushed and rolls on the ground


Package. I'm not sure whether it indeed does not appear in the final game.

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansCan be pushed and rolls on the ground
VehiclesCan be pushed and rolls on the ground


Trash pile. Breaks apart into several pieces.

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / MovingDestroyed / Tipped over
PedestriansBreaks apart when stepped on
VehiclesBreaks apart when run over

Unknown object

Object with a crossed-out sprite. It's still present in GTA2 Editor and .STY files, but spawning it crashes the game.

Unknown object
Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound


Tyre. Has no animation

Object IDSprite IDsCollision sound
BaseAnimating / Moving
PedestriansCan be pushed around
VehiclesCan be pushed around

--- Code Objects ---

Code Objects are elements used by the game engine and mission scripts, such as tank turrets, phones, collectibles, or tire tracks. Many of these are either no longer utilized or not visible in the game. Of course, they can be spawned using custom mission scripts or the trainer.


Blood from GTA1.


Collectibles of unused weapons

See: Weapons

Bloody skids and footsteps

Bloody trails left behind cars and underfoot. Suggestive of a potentially more brutal vision for the game than the final version. This is further indicated by a note in the early GTA2 documentation below.

Bloody footsteps

Reconstruction of bloody footsteps using the trainer

Bloody skids animation (large)Bloody skids animation (big)Bloody skids animation (medium)Bloody skids animation (small)
IDInternal nameSprite IDs

From the early GTA2 documentation:
Peds walking over corpses will leave bloody footprints for a small time.
[...] Skids will vary on: • Roads. Leaves black, tyre rubber skids. • Grass. Leaves muddy skids. • Pedestrians. Leaves bloody skids

Body parts

In the .STY files, you can find sprites of dismembered bodies, suggesting the possibility of tearing pedestrians apart (e.g., with a car or in a mission similar to 'Body Harvest' in GTA: San Andreas). These objects are not (at least to my knowledge) spawnable.
Body part 1Body part 2Body part 3Body part 4Body part 5


Bomb as an in-world object. It features a similar sprite to a car bomb but without the outline. It's unnaturally large, likely the reason it was replaced with a spinning suitcase.



In the documentation for the .MIS language used in creating missions for GTA2, in the Object types section, there are two object names that didn't appear in the final game - GRAVE and CROSS. Attempting to create a script that spawns them results in an 'Illegal Object Model' error. The sprites for these objects are not present in the .STY files.

--- Vehicles ---

There are at least 5 vehicles that were cut from the final game. They were removed at different stages of development, so some of them have more content left in the game than others.


It's a tanker trailer that can be attached to a truck. Its sprite and physics are still present in the game, but it doesn't spawn anywhere in the game. It's possible to spawn it using the trainer or custom mission scripts.

Tanker attached to a Truck Cab

Tanker attached to a Truck Cab

IDInternal nameSprite IDWreck typePhysical size
55TANKERcar/49WRECK0140 x 128

In the NYC.GCI file, which defines vehicle physics, it features entries nearly identical to other trailers (and wrecks). However, unlike them, it includes specified maximum speeds for each gear.

{Tanker} 55 {model} 0 {turbo} 80 {value} 0 {pad} f30.000 {mass} f0.000 {front drive bias} f0.500 {front mass bias} f0.900 {brake friction} f0.100 {turn in} f0.800 {turn ratio} f2.000 {rear end stability} f0.200 {handbrake slide value} f0.000 {thrust} f0.300 {max_speed} f1.000 {anti strength} f0.139 {skid threshhold} f0.600 {gear1 multiplier} f0.800 {gear2 multiplier} f1.000 {gear3 multiplier} f0.152 {gear2 speed} f0.228 {gear3 speed}

Missing IDs

There are no entries in the .STY and NYC.GCI files for vehicles with IDs 9, 15, 20, and 43. They were most likely cut at a relatively early stage of the game's development.

Early vehicles' sprites

Early sprites for the vehicles that were changed to less shiny versions after their creator, Ray Larabie, left DMA Design. Some of the vehicles didn't appear in the final game at all.

Early vehicles' sprites

Green police cars

Originally, police cars had light green remaps, but they were replaced with blue versions in the final game. Interestingly, the green remap is still listed for them in the .STY files.

Original police carGreen police carOriginal SWAT vanGreen SWAT van

--- Interface ---

The GTA2 user interface underwent significant changes throughout the game's development. Thanks to pre-release gameplay footage and remnants in the .STY files, we can learn more about the game's early visual design.

Early UI

UI versions from various stages of the game's development. The first screenshot likely comes from a prerelease recording for the German magazine GameStar. The source of the second image is unknown. The third is from the final version of the game. The graphics are from this article.

Initially, respect bars featured the faces of gang leaders instead of gang logos. The design of these bars also underwent slight changes.

Weapon Icons

The icons for the currently selected weapon were initially positioned on the left, and the graphics were much more realistic. In the fstyle.sty file (containing user interface sprites), three of them have survived. There were more, but they were likely added after the decision to move these sprites to the .STY files of individual game levels and were overwritten by newer versions.

Early weapons iconEarly weapons iconEarly weapons icon

Claude's face

In earlier versions of the game, the protagonist's face was constantly displayed in the top right corner of the screen. The sprites for this are still present in the .STY files. Interestingly, there are versions with open mouths, suggesting that Claude Speed probably wasn't mute back then.

Claude's faceClaude's faceClaude's faceClaude's face

Policeman's face

The face of a police officer is displayed when the brief text prefix is p!. However, unlike prefixes like k! for Krishna or l! for Loonies, p! is not utilized in any mission. Of course, it can be restored using custom mission scripts and changes in the .GXT files.

Claude's faceClaude's face

Policeman's face from GTA1

The face of a police officer from GTA1 in the fstyle.sty file used as an indicator for the wanted level.

GTA1 Cop faceGTA1 Cop face

--- Tiles ---

There are several tiles that were cut from the final game. They are still present in the .STY files, but are crossed out.

wil.sty - tiles #31, #357, #447, #779

Tile #31Tile #357Tile #447Tile #779

bil.sty - tiles #169, #177, #178, #366, #367, #368

Tile #169Tile #177Tile #178Tile #366Tile #367Tile #368

--- Weapons ---

In the game, there are placeholders for 15 handheld weapons (11 have sprites) and 13 vehicle weapons (9 have sprites). The sprites for the unused fields are simply colored alphabet letters. Additionally, two weapons with sprites are not used in the game: ELECTRO_BATON and CAR_BOMB_INSTANT.

Unused handheld weapons

UI placeholders for unused handheld weapons #11 - #14:
Sprites IDs user/96-99:

Placeholder for weapon #11Placeholder for weapon #12Placeholder for weapon #13Placeholder for weapon #14

Collectibles of unused handheld weapons #11 - #14:
Sprites IDs code_obj/106-109:

Collectible for weapon #11Collectible for weapon #12Collectible for weapon #13Collectible for weapon #14

Unused weapon M in game

Unused weapon M in game

It is possible to spawn placeholder weapons using the trainer or custom mission scripts. Sprite of the character holding the weapon is displayed correctly, but the weapon doesn't emit any projectiles. Picking up a collectible doesn't play any sound and the displayed weapon name is always "na".

Unused vehicle weapons

UI placeholders for unused vehicle weapons #9 - #12:
Sprites IDs user/109-112:

Placeholder for weapon #24Placeholder for weapon #25Placeholder for weapon #26Placeholder for weapon #27

Unused collectibles of vehicle weapons #4 - #12:
Sprites IDs code_obj/142-150:

Collectible for weapon #4Collectible for weapon #5Collectible for weapon #6Collectible for weapon #7Collectible for weapon #8Collectible for weapon #9Collectible for weapon #10Collectible for weapon #11Collectible for weapon #12

Note that collectibles for TANK_GUN, WATER_CANNON, CAR_FLAMETHROWER, JEEP_GUN and CAR_BOMB_INSTANT also have placeholder sprites, even though these "weapons" are present in the game.

Michelli roadster equipped with Water Cannon

Michelli roadster equipped with Water Cannon

It is possible to spawn placeholder car weapons using the trainer or custom mission scripts. If the weapon is not complatible with the vehicle (e.g., a tank gun on a car), fireing it will result in a crash. Picking up collectibles #9 - #12 doesn't equip the weapon.


ElectroBaton is an unused handheld weapon. It can be obtained using the trainer or custom mission scripts. It seems to function like a taser. When fired near another ped, it shocks them as with a regular ElectroGun, but the victim doesn't take any damage, and the ammo doesn't deplete. If there are no peds nearby, a single 'bullet' is fired, which doesn't cause damage itself but allows for shocking at a greater distance if it hits someone. The ElectroBaton doesn't affect vehicles, lacks sounds (including the collectible pickup sound), and is also visible in conceptual graphics as the default weapon for police officers.

ElectroBatonElectroBaton collectible animation
ElectroBaton in game

ElectroBaton in game


The Instant Vehicle Bomb functions like a regular car bomb but detonates immediately upon activation. Its sprite features an exclamation mark on the right side. The collectible lacks a sprite (uses a placeholder 'I') but has a pickup sound.

Instant Vehicle Bomb
Instant Vehicle Bomb in game

Michelli roadster equipped with Instant Vehicle Bomb

--- Power-ups ---

Work in progress

--- Gangs ---

Work in progress

--- Sounds ---

Work in progress

--- Texts ---

Work in progress

--- Concept arts ---

Work in progress

--- Sources and tools ---

© masuo 2023.12; do not copy without author's consent
all graphics are property of their respective owners
contact: masuo [at] maseuko.pl