This is, of course, for educational purposes to demonstrate that our snaps may not be as secure as we think.
Snapchat stores incoming media for quite a long time, but after replaying a snap, it may occasionally be deleted. It's better not to delay.
The steps are fairly simple. Navigate to the path /data/data/com.snapchat.android/files/native_content_manager/
and sort by the last modification date. Look for a directory starting with com.snap.file_manager_3
(if there are several, typically choose the first one).
Inside the directory, you should find many files without extensions. Again, sort them by the most recent ones and, using the range selection option, select several of the latest files.
Copy these files to a working directory in external storage.
Now, simply change the file extensions to .jpg (or .mp4) and select the files you're interested in. Sometimes you’ll need to sift through some junk because Snapchat also stores story thumbnails and some bitmoji in this location.
Media like snaps from memories, memories summary covers, and others can be found at /data/data/com.snapchat.android/files/file_manager/
. It's worth checking out.